Who do I help?

Stage of Life: The ways that I can help you are best defined by the stage of life you are in now.  Most people see themselves in one of the following descriptions:


Stay On Top of Your Financial Life


Take Control of Your Student Loans

Are you looking to organize your financial life, save for retirement, manage a very busy family life, and plan for the future?

Are you asking yourself questions like these?

  • “I want to be able to see all my accounts and financial information in one place with software that is supported by a CFP.  Where do I find this?” 
  • I need more organization to my finances and a way to compare strategies and play with ‘What-If’ scenarios and need someone to help me. Where do I find them?
  • Are my student loans structured properly so I will pay the least amount of interest?
  • Will my family be protected if something happens to me? Do I have all the necessary documents in place?  Are my beneficiaries structured properly? Do you have a good attorney you can recommend?
  • How do I do this and get support from a trustworthy Financial Planner who will look out for my best interests?”


Are you planning for or nearing retirement or faced with a major financial decision such as paying for college, purchasing rental property or vacation home, investing an inheritance, caring for parents, or divorce?

Are you asking yourself questions like these?

  • “When can I retire?” 
  • Can you help me stay accountable towards my retirement goal?
  • How should I be invested?
  • Am I doing the right thing to combine taxable and tax-free sources of retirement income?
  • How do I do this and get support from a experienced Financial Planner who will look out for my best interests?”

Get Retirement Ready


Navigating Market Uncertainty


Are you someone who is already retired and wants to enjoy your retirement years, help your grandchildren and others in your community, are planning extended travel, want to do more volunteering, have more time with your children and grandchildren?

Are you asking yourself questions like these?

  • How do I better  position my assets and income to generate the optimum after-tax income?
  • How much can I confidently  take out of retirement plans?”
  • Does it make sense for me to convert my IRA under the new rules to benefit my heirs?
  • How will this money affect my grandchildren?  I do not want to spoil or entitle them.  Can you educate my family to prepare them for a future inheritance?
  • How can I help reduce all taxes? 
  • How do I do this and get support from a experienced Financial Planner who will look out for my best interests?”

Business Owner

Many of our clients started a business many years ago and now are considering how to transition into the next stage of life and need help thinking through this complex topic to make wise choices with the transfer of both ownership and management.

If you are asking questions these questions, we can help you:

  • How do I maximize the value of all the work I have put into this business over all these years?
  • I want to transfer my ownership to a family member, a long-time key employee, or my partners.  How do I structure this?
  • I want to sell the ownership but remain involved with a consulting relationship.  How do we structure this?
  • How can I make sure that whoever buys my business will have the leadership and management skills to continue to make it successful?
  • What will I do with the rest of my life?

I will answer all these questions or get them for you when I do not have them myself.  The purpose of my work is to help you manage your financial decisions so you work towards a confident and happy life

Family Business Succession Planning

Real Estate

  • Do you own real estate or plan to purchase it in the near future? I can help you plan the steps in the process and provide suggestions to outside real estate professionals to help you implement the purchase, and transfer of real estate to the next generation

LPL Financial and Titan Financial Associates does not offer real estate services

Multi-generational family

Most families have a hard time talking about money and more importantly who gets to make decisions about it.  If you believe the communication about this is important then let us know if you have questions.  We are always available to talk about how to help  improve the family dynamics about money.

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